Consciousness is part of existence!

To say that the universe is made up of energy and matter does not explain what life is.


Biblical religions believe that consciousness is not part of our universe. Our consciousness transcends the boundary between heaven and earth to animate our physical bodies.

    In Noznisiance Consciousness is Part of Existence.

Consciousness is expressed within matter and energy. The quantity of consciousness increases in living organisms and in moments of inspiration.

    Consciousness can be Studied Scientifically.

Thought, feeling, life and death are a part of the universe. We can use the tools of science, philosophy and religion to learn more about what consciousness is.

    Consciousness is Effected by Technology.

Media are a collection of technologies which effect our thoughts and feelings. Hypnosis can cause us to remember things we have forgotten or believe we are something we are not. Brainwashing and propaganda cause us to come to conclusions based on false premises. Torture can cause us to testify to and even believe memories of events that never happened. Drug use can cause us to experience everything from the suppression of pain to wild hallucinations. Concentration and mood can be effected by environmental factors such as lighting or music.

    The Sole is Worth Studying

Though the sole is one of the greatest mysteries faced by humanity, we spend little energy studying how it comes into being, what it is composed of and how the sole changes through the process of dying.

    Spirituality is Consciousness.

Something happens when inspiration is expressed extaticly. Something happens when we come together through music and dance. Something happens in deep meditation and honest prayer. Something happens when we sacrifice to a greater cause. Something happens when we defy convention. Something is gained when we communicate honestly. Something is lost when we do not communicate. There is something in a forest which is not in a lumber yard. There is more in a sunset when you are watching. There is more in an ocean wave than water. There is more to life than living.


Consciousness Links
Hele-Shaw Ferrohydrodynamics
This is what happens when a magnetic field is applied to iron fillings suspended in a fluid.
True Meaning and Origin of the Holy Grail.
A collection of research and investigation of compassion expressed by electromagnetic patterns and sacred geometry.